Saturday, September 30, 2017

How To Use Mindfulness And The Breath For Breast Cancer Recovery

By:  Breast Cancer Yoga

Why is it so Important?  What Does Mindful mean?
Mindful Means “being conscious or aware of something directly.” Once mindful, you then can then foster positive change through the development of a mindful practice, like yoga or breathing. Mindfulness, whereby combining the breath consciously with yoga movements brings this awareness of the mind right into the present moment. Right where it needs to be in order to move forward and heal.

Why It is so Important to be Mindful
Because it stops the negative chatter of a restless and wandering mind. Stress and anxiety are some of the byproducts of this unmindfulness. We may also become careless and lack clarity in making good decisions, especially health decisions. It is right now, here where you become “present” to whatever is, or isn’t.  Learning how to stay in a mindful state allows you to get past that which may cause undue stress or harm. This can be attained through the proper training of the breath, focus of the mind and movement of the body.  When both the breath, mind and body come together, consciously, the ability to create relaxation and a new found state of clarity is then realized.  Here you can tackle recovery head on and with deep purpose.

How Does the Breath Make us Mindful?
Breast Cancer Yoga“When the mind wanders; the breath is sure to follow.” It is stated in yogic practices  that when the mind jumps all over it is called “the monkey mind.” This unfocused mind can create a lot of stress and anxiety, all of which has a negative impact on the mind and body causing a profound effect on the autonomic nervous system which then increases stress hormones and overall emotional responses.

How Does it Help Breast Cancer Recovery?
The reason being mindful is so valuable is that the mind is deeply incorporated with the breath.  A mindful practice is cultivated through learning how to use the breath positively,  or in partnership with the mind.  It is an intentional act of unity, whereby unconscious thoughts and feelings of the mind are then brought to a single point of attention. This is achieved one way by focusing fully on the breath.  Through rhythmically breathing (inhale and exhale of the same duration) we tap into our deepest inner resources for healing, and for relaxation. By flowing through a series of breaths, the body experiences an inner calm which then awakens the prana (life energy) and moves the mind towards a higher level of understanding.  It is through the control of the breath, that the mind will reflect a higher knowledge and a positive state of confidence and self-esteem.  It is  emotionally  challenging to learn you have cancer.  A natural response is “Can I do this? “ Let this be the yoga practice of self-understanding.

Mindful Yoga And Breathing Exercises For Breast Cancer
The deeper the commitment to a Mindful Yoga and Breathing practice, the deeper the relaxation response will manifest, healing the trauma of worry, anxiety and fear associated with the diagnosis of breast cancer. It is challenging to start a yoga practice when this the fear, stress, anxiety and depression surface. It is precisely at that time that we need support, not only from our doctors, families and friends, but most importantly from other women who have breast cancer or even another type of cancer. These personal connections help us to feel “part of” a community who understands our emotions and experiences. Unconditional love creates miracles!  Creating a strong support system and a safe place to be (oneself) are paramount to alleviating the stress that derives from breast cancer.  A clear mind, a full breath and a body in motion are paramount for recovery. YOU are responsible for your healing process and progress so breathe deeply and move freely. 
FREE Yoga Videos
FREE Yoga Poses E-book

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Yoga For The Holidays

Restorative Yoga for Breast Cancer Recovery
This class will be offered in 6-week modules
Beginning Saturday November 14, 2015 - January, 2016
Saturdays 12:00-1:15pm

Angela will lead a gentle, nurturing Restorative Yoga practice focusing on poses and flows designed specifically for breast cancer prevention, recovery, and lymphedema management.

The stress that treatment and recovery bring about isn't beneficial to healing. Research and personal experience show that the gentle practice of Yoga decreases recovery time while assisting to heal the body, mind, and heart. Research has shown that those taking Yoga experienced significantly improved sleep, as well as that the more Yoga the women practiced, the greater the improvement was shown in level of fatigue, vitality, depressive symptoms, and level of inflammation-related proteins in the body.

Our desire is to fill these classes and share this amazing healing system of yoga with as many people as possible, so please share this information with anyone whom you think could benefit from these classes!

To Register:
Email Us at or Call (631) 316-9871

A Jewel In The Lotus Yoga Studio
560 Main Street • Suite 3
Islip, New York 11751

If you would like to make a donation to help ensure that we are able to continue holding these classes.

Dawn Breast CancerAbout Dawn Bradford Lange:  Co-founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Dawn is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Yoga for Sleep During Cancer Recovery

Yoga For Sleep


Gentle Yoga DVD
Practicing restorative yoga has shown to improve sleep and overall quality of life in cancer survivors. Along with improved sleep it appears to also improve fatigue, which along with impaired sleep quality are the most prevalent and troublesome adverse effects experienced by cancer survivors. Both can significantly affect quality of life.  All this creates greater consistent energy in the body and a mental balance in the mind. 
Breathe With Purpose CD
The breath will maintain balance in every activity you perform or need to perform. The breath dictates performance, and the performance dictates the breath. When you are tiring you will notice your breath becoming shallow and even labored. This shallow breathing boost the sympathetic nervous system, which in turns makes you nervous, thus zapping you of the much required energy. This energy is needed to perform the most simplest tasks when we are not feeling up for doing anything; yet we do need to move forward.  
Deep full breathing, like a COMPLETE BREATH will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and form inner calm for the brain. Maintaining the awareness of the breath when we need this energy will support us.  

Learn more about breathing for Breast Cancer Recovery at Breast Cancer Yoga


Friday, February 13, 2015

Laughter As Medicine For Breast Cancer Recovery

By Diana Ross, E-RYT 500

I want to share my feelings on laughter and joy  as part of the healing cycle of cancer recovery, and for that matter, many conditions. Undoubtedly, laughter has  a real beneficial effect on our physical and emotional health. A robust, gut explosive laugh simply feels good. It literally melts stress away.

So why aren’t we laughing more to relieve our stress and improve our health?
It may be a challenge to get out of our own way. So often we take life and our circumstances too seriously, and it doesn’t serve us to do so. Truth be told, some days you might have to fake it when you just don’t feel like laughing, and here’s a good reason to go through the motions: studies show that even when manipulated to smile people actually feel happier. Laughter stops depression in its tracks.

I know for myself when I stop and watch a good sitcom or read a funny email from a friend, I focus only  on this lighter side, and it lifts me. Even studies show the more you laugh the more positive you become; you just feel better about practically everything. Medical research on laughter Studies at the University  of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore (2005)   are among many that show groundbreaking results in terms of laughter’s role in  the health of the mind and body.  There is a strong connection between blood  vessel expansion (vasodilation) through laughter, at least during those seconds and moments when we are laughing and for a little while beyond. Improvements in blood flow have actually  found to be equal to those from a 15-30 minute  workout. Researchers believe laughing causes the body  to release endorphins, or “natural pain killers.” These endorphins contribute to a sense of well being; they counteract the effects of stress hormones, and cause dilation of the blood vessels. Even anticipating laughter can increase endorphin levels.

Laughter and our immune system
Studies show that when we laugh, lymph fluid moves more efficiently through our bodies; an immune system booster and way to eliminate what we do not need. That’s because with better lymph flow we clear out old, dead waste and toxins from our organs and muscle tissue. It’s important to understand that our lymph system doesn’t have it’s own pump; we need to move around (and breath deeply) to properly circulate lymph. Laughter supports this function.

Laughter’s greatest power
We know that now is the time to pull out all the stops and help ourselves get better. Laughter’s ability to help in this arena is perhaps its greatest power. It puts us in a positive state of mind, and that’s just what we need to bring us through the physical and emotional roller coaster ride of cancer. We need to reduce our levels of chronic stress (our journey with cancer may  have just begun). 

We need to boost our immune system function; protect our nervous system; and 
my God, our sanity. Well, “Laughter is the Best Medicine.”

I cannot say  enough about laughing, right down to the fact that the people around us will enjoy  our company, which will support our well being.  Go check out funny videos; YouTube is full of funny. Rent funny  movies. I guarantee you a good laugh or two.
Diana RossAbout Diana Ross:  E-RYT 500 restorative yoga teacher, survivor that cares and founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Diana is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Top 5 Reasons To Do Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery

5 Reasons To Do Yoga

Top 5 Reasons To Do Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery by Breast Cancer Yoga
Via Flickr:
Yoga Practice for Breast Cancer will provide a way to de-stress and detoxify with movement. Yoga is a most healing practice and whether you choose to join a local or online class, be sure your instructor is well trained and privy to the fact that you are dealing with a serious illness. Visit

Yoga DVD
 Healthy Exercise For Breast Cancer
Healthy Exercise For Breast Cancer

Diana RossAbout Diana Ross:  E-RYT 500 restorative yoga teacher, survivor that cares and founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Diana is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Calendula And Its Therapeutic Benefits For Breast Cancer

Calendula is a renowned, herbalist remedy for keeping breast tissue healthy. Using a Calendula hydrosol spray or using Calendula as a massage oil is known to excel at preventing, and with patience, possibly removing adhesions and scar tissue, even keloid scars. Keloid scars are the raised, hard scars with irregular edges which can be painful.  Calendula also helps with post surgical adhesions, which differ from scar tissue and keloids.  are bands of scar tissue that bind together. Calendula essential oil hydrosol spray is used to treat and lessen radiation-induced pain. It can vastly improve skin damaged by radiation.

Calendula Herbal Oil

This medicinal oil is simple to prepare and has so many uses. The gentle, soothing, and healing oil is perfect for cradle cap, diaper rash, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, and sore or inflamed muscles. The oil can be used alone, or incorporated into salves, massage oils, lip balms, ointments, creams, and

Calendula Salve

A soothing and healing salve. Rub into sore or inflamed muscles, apply to minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, rashes, diaper rashes, stretch marks, chapped lips, chafed skin, bruises, and other skin irritations.

Calendula & Shea Butter Lip Balm

This nourishing lip balm is made from healing ingredients which soothe dry and chapped lips.

Calendula Therapeutic Actions:
  • Circulatory specific for cleansing lymph by boosting immune resistance
  • Softens hard tumors and prevents tumors from metastasizing
  • Naturally promotes fibrin production over the surface of wounds
  • Offers emotional support
  • Lessens external bleeding, bruise or strain.
  • Aids repair from minor burns such as radiation burns
  • Helpful for insomnia
  • Dispels depression with its uplifting aromatic properties
  • Used in muscular spasms, tightness, and tension
  • Heals tissue loss from acute damage from wounds
  • Reduces irritability

Where to Find Calendula Products
If you cannot grow your own for the above uses or you prefer to purchase rather than make, consider purchasing Calendula products from Mountain Rose Herbs. Their quality and prices are unsurpassed.

About Dawn Bradford Lange: Co-founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Dawn is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Holistic Healing & Herbal Teas For Breast Cancer

The earth is a living entity with the equivalent of senses, intelligence, memory, and the capacity to act. Healing is a Gaian quality as it is a very personal expression of balance and wholeness.

A herb is a plant in relationship with humanity and herbalism becomes the exploration of humanities relationship with the plant kingdom.

From a holistic stand point, a person isn’t a patient with a disease syndrome but a whole being.
  1. This wholeness necessitates the appreciation of the mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental aspects of their life as well as the physical.  
  2. An herbalist has deep respect and an understanding that healing oneself is inherent in all of us.  
  3. We have a dual relationship in our self healing process and in our relationship with the earth’s powerful herbal bounties.

A holistic approach is important and unique in that illness is an opportunity for self discovery. Herbal medicine is uniquely suited for the treatment of illness of the digestive system. Throughout out time food and the use of plants has been our medicine, ensuring that the special healing properties of the herbs had a direct effect due to metabolism and absorption of the entire range of plant chemicals, but also an action directly on contact to issue. Digestion and subsequent elimination are pivotal as is the nervous system.

Dawn Breast CancerAbout Dawn Bradford Lange:  Co-founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Dawn is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.