Purpose of Twists
Twists can boost energy when feeling tired or fatigued. When we twist, we literally squeeze tension and toxins out from the body. In twisting poses, our muscles have an opportunity to squeeze and relax, and once finished, the area that released will then experience a rush of blood and nutrients.
Results of Twists
The intervertebral discs and ligaments stretch and lengthen which helps maintain spinal flexibility. The twists offered in this e-book promote improved digestion and elimination because twists aid in the cleansing and massaging of the internal organs. Twists have been known to produce much needed energy which can be used to carry out our daily routines. Using twisting poses to support and encourage a balancing of emotions helps decrease stress. Let's not forget that twists also improve respiratory function when there is stretching and compression.

A few things to remember before doing a twist is to lengthen the spine, yet soften the shoulders down to increase flexibility. If there isn't lengthening going on, the ROM (range of motion) will be limited in the rotation. Start the twist from the base of the spine rather than pushing into it. This will maintain safety for the spine and allow the twist to be right where it should be, and not past it.
When to do Seated Poses
Before you start anything new or return to your exercise routine, it is important to ask your health care provider to give you the go ahead to begin. Then if you feel that you can sit with supporting props for a certain amount of time and not feel too fatigued or physically uncomfortable, it is then time to try.
Twists and the Breath
When moving into a twisting action there may be a feeling of constriction in the lungs. Consequently, the lower lungs start working at their minimum capacity, thereby making the mid and upper lungs work harder and with less discomfort. The ability to develop and direct an even breath into the most open space in the body while in a twist, (not focusing on the compression) is beneficial for overcoming stress. When stress arises, our body may tense up which then may hamper the breath. It is here where the lack of directing the breath properly may be recognized. Learning to work with the breath while doing twists can be very therapeutic.
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