Friday, August 29, 2014

Amma Therapy For Breast Cancer

So What is Amma Therapy?

Amma Therapy is an ancient healing system which dates back some 5000 years ago during the Yellow Emperor era. It is a highly skilled system of body work therapy which employs massage techniques, manipulations, and the application of pressure, friction and touch-to-points on the energy channels on which they are found. The channels are the pathways through which energy passes throughout our bodies. Amma, is less defined by a specific technique than by its purpose, philosophy, and sophisticated practice as a healing art.

Amma Therapy is fundamentally an energetic therapy focused on the balance and movement of “life energy” in the human body. Starting with the basic application of hand techniques used to balance the flow of energy. Then other methods were developed, including the use of needles (acupuncture), heat (moxibustion), skeletal manipulation, the appropriate use of herbal medications, diet, and then meditation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) all these methods target the flow and balance of energy in the channels. The modern Amma therapist is knowledgeable in all of these areas but relies primarily on the sensitivity and strength of the hands to manipulate life energy.

Am-ma means “push-pull” in Chinese. Amma Therapy utilizes all the techniques of the major forms of therapeutic massage:

Deep pressure and point manipulation used in Shiatsu massage are applied to attain the desired effects of energetic movement and release of muscular contraction.

Foot reflex points commonly referred to as “foot reflexology” are stimulated during to these points which often has a profound outcome on the deeper organs and tissues within the body.

Deep Facial manipulation techniques and connective tissue manipulation used in Rolfing are used for muscle stretching and pushing techniques that are common to European or Swedish massage.

In addition, the master therapist is well versed in, and fully capable of, the skeletal manipulations that are the basis of chiropractic. Elizabeth also uses essential oils and healing crystals. She feels the energy blockages and moves energy through. I can feel the warmth rising and my breath being

Diana RossAbout Diana Ross: E-RYT 500 restorative yoga teacher, survivor that cares and founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Diana is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Friday, August 22, 2014

FIR Infrared - A Soothing and Healing Cancer Treatment

By Diana Ross Co-Founder of Breast Cancer Yoga.
FIR Infrared Therapy is a pretty incredible alternative cancer treatment. I was fortunate enough to buy this FIR Infrared “Rainbow” some time back for aches and pains for me and my family.  Now I use it all the time to generate heat “fever heat.” When cancer cells are heated past 41/43c degrees the blood flow is insufficient for the proper elimination of wastes (namely lactic acid) or proper oxygenation, due to the inability of the capillaries to dilate effectively at this higher temperature. Consequently the cancer cells become oxygen-deprived and lactic acid build ups, the pH of the cell will steadily drop, and the cell will die of its own acidity. Healthy cells have no problem regulating themselves at the same temperature (+ 41 degrees C) so I realized that this is a potential cancer treatment without damaging side effects to healthy cells!

What is Far Infrared therapy (FIR) and what does it do?

FIR Infrared Rays are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye and capable of penetrating deep into the human body. The rays gently elevate the body's surface temperature (107.6F/42 celsius and above; this enables the destruction of cancer cells), and activate major bodily functions.

Another thing that I am doing is applying castor oil treatments (pack) over my chest and organs. I saturate the oil on a piece of flannel fabric. Placing a towel underneath my back (just in case) keeps the area clean from any leaks.

Castor oil works as an antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. When applied topically it treats a variety of skin conditions, reduces pain, and stimulates immune system function. It also acts as a lymphatic stimulant so for me to have lymphatic node tumors - it works. Castor oil has been thoroughly investigated for its industrial use but only a minimal amount of research has been focused on its medicinal benefits. That said, the healing properties of castor oil appears to have survived countless generations of scrutiny. One of the more compelling health benefits is castor oil's support of your immune system. This healing property does not require you ingest ing the oil but only to apply it externally. The benefits of castor oil packs were popularized by the late psychic healer Edgar Cayce.

My friend Lorraine Aguilar from is my model. We spent the day going through all my protocols. It was a lot of fun checking everything out. Lorraine brought a “Heart and Lung” Yoga Video for us to explore so there was a lot of sharing and caring.

Last note I am also doing FIR Infrared Sauna treatments which is far more intense for the whole body but very therapeutic. I will save that for another day. Lots more to share. love and light everyone. Please post comments. I enjoy dialoging.

FIR Infrared Studies:

\   breast cancer study

Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Book
Try Our NEW Yoga Book
Diana RossAbout Diana Ross: E-RYT 500 restorative yoga teacher, survivor that cares and founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Diana is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery Book
By: Dawn Bradford-Lange, Co-Founder of Breast Cancer Yoga.

Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery: Gentle Flowing Yoga For Breast Health, Breast Cancer Related Fatigue & Lymphedema Management was created for a therapeutic healing experience while being affordable to all. Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery is an unique restorative yoga therapy book for you or a loved one who has been recently diagnosed, is in treatment, or in recovery.

Book Includes:
  • 275+ Yoga Poses Images
  • 70+ Easy To Learn Yoga Poses
  • Illustrated Step By Step Instructions
  • Benefits Included For Each Pose
  • Use of Yoga Props Introduced
  • Breath Instructions For Each Pose
  • Valuable Tool For Yoga Teachers
  • Great For Beginners
Book Description:
This is an unique restorative yoga therapy book for breast health, lymphedema management and breast cancer recovery. This book contains a wide variety of supported restorative yoga poses that use different yoga props. The breath is also introduced with each flowing pose so that the mind as well as the muscles “let go” and relax allowing for the healing to begin and then to grow. Yoga poses are done either in a relaxed, reclined, seated, twisting and standing position. Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Recovery is a great beginning to build a practice for strength and flexibility, as well as aiding in lymphedema management. This book outlines a variety of easy to learn restorative yoga poses which can emotionally and physically improve the recovery process from breast cancer surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy treatments. It is also invaluable in maintaining breast health, reducing cancer related fatigue (CRF), and managing lymphedema. If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed, is in treatment or in recovery, this yoga is the perfect place to start. Discover how a consistent practice of Restorative Yoga can provide inner peace and healing for your mind, body and spirit. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

About the Author
Diana loves sharing her knowledge on the empowering benefits of restorative yoga flow. Her credentials as a yoga therapist are: E-RYT 500 (Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher), CYT (Certified Yoga Therapist), and (Certified KaliRay) TriYoga. Her Restorative Yoga Flow teachings are designed and focused for women in recovery, either from breast cancer or from injury and illness. She also loves sharing her excitement for native american plants and their usefulness as complementary herbal medicines. Diana credentials in herbal medicines are: Certificates of Completion in: Therapeutic Botanicals in Medicinal Herbalism, Native American Herbs, Herbalism 5 Phase Theory, Medicine Making in Native American Herbs, and TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicines. The knowledge of Native American plants is expressed on her website, authority blog and to her students.

About Diana Ross: An expert in the field of yoga, and complementary herbal medicines. She has dedicated the last 30 years studying yoga philosophy and Native American herbs. Her credentials are as an E-RYT 500 (Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher) and CYT (Certified Yoga Therapist). Diana’s system of yoga is KaliRay TriYoga. She has studied with Yogini Kali Ray “Kaliji” for 18 years is certified from Basics to Level 2. As founder of Breast Cancer Yoga, and as a survivor Diana wants to make a difference and offer hope, health and support.

Dawn Breast CancerAbout Dawn Bradford Lange:  Co-founder of Breast Cancer Yoga. Dawn is making a difference with Breast Cancer Yoga therapeutic products designed to support you emotionally and physically during breast cancer . We want to give you the attention and personal service you need so please email us at if you have questions.